Saturday, April 5, 2014

On a Whim.

I've been sick for the last few days, which really put a damper on my jogging schedule. However, I float along on a cloud anyways so it doesn't really matter. 

People have told me that things always just work out for me, mostly because I don't take no for an answer. But to validate my point I'll use the example of my phone. I dropped it in the toilet last week, thinking that it was toast. Buttons weren't working and couldn't make any calls. However, after a few days of just being "whatever" about it, my phone magically started working properly, and maybe even more efficiently than before the toilet incident. I'm content with that. 

On a whim, I decided to go on a holiday. I don't have a ton of money, but hey, I'm a believer in spending the money you make on things you love. My life is going to become more complete in 3 weeks, which isn't a very long time at all. But for someone with no patience and someone that has been waiting for months and months for this moment, it feels like an eternity. The answer to this? A holiday smack dab in the middle! So excited.

I may be broke, but at least I'm happy. 
Spontaneity is one of the only ways to live life to its fullest.