Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Today has been a weird day. I've been going 120km/h, so to speak. I can't stop, I've been all smiles and joking, talking non stop. I'm getting sick of it myself. 
I haven't slept very well in, oh, 3 months, and I'm trying to exhaust myself to sleep. And even still I can't slow down my brain. 
It's all excitement up here (points to head). It may have to do with my visitor coming this weekend and only have 4 more days of work to get through. 
No, I haven't even had coffee or any type of caffeine. I had a couple glasses of wine which usually helps me sleep. And I'm writing this wondering what is wrong with me. 
I'm going to try and sleep now. 
I'm also dehydrated so you think I would be tired. 
Gah oh well. 