Monday, June 13, 2011


Someone has informed me recently that I have not updated this in a while. I looked, and it's been nearly 2 months. Ohhh, what has happened in the last 2 months? More valid, what has NOT happened in the last 2 months?
To sum up, I am getting screwed by people left right and center (not the good way).
You know those times in your life when everything seems to fall apart simultaneously? Well that is my life right now. The good part about this stupidity I face, is the fact that I have the money, the time (since I got fired today) and the freedom to do whatever I want, wherever I want.

I'll be going skydiving around my birthday next week, and I think plummeting towards the Earth with give me the perspective to make a solid plan. My life would be become incredibly straight-forward and easy if I die. As much as I dislike numerous people, and numerous situations I find myself in, I do not want to die. If I did, I would feel like I did not live life to its fullest. Maybe I will move to Australia or Europe for a year, maybe I will find a roommate and live in Toronto, maybe I will fall in love with a random person on the street and get married in Vegas. So many options! Maybe I will do all of the above.

I basically want to scream FUCK YOU to a half-dozen people, and poop on their windshield.

This is a blessing in disguise. I was informed that I am a confident person. And non-confident people are intimidated by confident people. But no, I WILL NOT be taken down to all of the half-dozen people's crappy-life-level, and will use my termination from my work and the kicking out of my apartment by the 2 biggest bitches I've ever met to IMPROVE my life. Because hell, I deserve better!

Cheers to picking yourself up and pooping on people's windshields!