Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fingers Crossed!

Tomorrow is a big day. I finally have my introduction to the hospital world (again). I am attending a huge gala of Dirty Docs and Naughty Nurses hosted by the Credit Valley Hospital. I will be having a very relaxed type interview and hopefully (fingers crossed!!) this will be my big break. Things have been going so well lately, I hope I am not jinxing it.

On a sidenote, I drove back from Kitchener tonight in the pouring rain on the 401, which is hardly lit. I honestly was gripping the steering wheel so tightly because I thought I was going to die. No more driving in the rain for me. Especially since it eats away all of my gas.

I had my first tennis lessons today, which was pretty fun. I'll be doing it twice a week. I have been told that tennis players are some of the hottest athletes out there, so hopefully it will help me keep in shape. I do not want to become a size 1. God forbid. Lol, kidding.

Off to sleep thinking of you. Muah!