Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Post of 2010.

A new year, a new beginning... or whatever.
I like to think that the "new year" is a continuation of the good things from the year past, but also a reason to change the unpleasant things that make you sad or disappointed in the world around you (mostly the things you do yourself).


- Graduate!
- Write a romance novel
- Get romance novel published
- Study and write GRE by end of summer
- Get my license... again.
- Get a car
- Travel to at least 2 different countries (by plane) -Greece, Thailand, Dominican (for a holiday)
- Get a job (a decent job)
- Apply to grad schools by the end of 2010
- Read at least 1 fun novel every 2 weeks
- Go for a jog every 2 days (everyday during the summer)
- Continue to eat very healthy
- Continue to keep alcohol consumption minimal
- Practice flute once a week
- Get straight A's in final semester of school
- Graduate with ZERO debt, including credit card

Bottom line: enjoy life and be happy. Love, oh and more love.